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websites of old testament scholars

The following are websites created by a variety of Old Testament/Hebrew Bible scholars. I have chosen these because they provide useful materials for those interested in study of the Old Testament. They are not for the most part simply another list of internet links. Some have made available materials they use in their teaching. Others have access to articles and papers they have written. The scholars chosen cover a wide range of religious traditions - Catholic, Protestant and Jewish. I have also included a couple of New testament web pages at the end.

Ehud Ben Zvi (University of Alberta, Canada). Useful materials are available at his 'Teaching site".

Marc Brettler (Brandeis University, USA). If you wnat to learn about his home town of Boston he has some interesting links. For biblical materials go to the tags at the top of the page.

The Totally Unofficial Walter Brueggemann web page is not apparently endorsed by its name sake but it does have an extensive collection of papers, reviews, sermons etc. by Walter Brueggemann. Well worth a visit for those who find Brueggemann thoughtprovoking.

David. J.A. Clines (Sheffield University, UK, retired) Originally from Australia, Clines has worked mostly in Britain and written extensively on Old testament topics. A long list of articles and chapters by Clines is available as well as some technical materials from his work on the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew, of which he is editor.

Anna Grant-Henderson (Parkin-Wesley College, SA) has a website devoted to commentary on the Old Testament lectionary readings in the Revised Common Lectionary. However, she includes much background information to the passages in the lectionary and her comments also serve those with an interest in the text other than just a homiletic one.

David M. Gunn (Texas Christian University, USA) has a more modest homepage but makes available a few of his recent papers. Always a stimulating read and another who originally came from Australia.

Felix Just (Santa Clara University, USA). Lust has focused on Catholic resources for the Bible, liturgy etc. but there are helpful materials here for all who are serious about the study of the Bible. See his "Biblical Resources".

Ralph Klein has a superb website with some of his own writings availabel as well as many links to useful sites. He also has some very helpful summaries and timelines. There is plenty of interest here for those at all levels in Old Testament study.

Albert Pietersma (University of Toronto, Canada) has a lot of materials available on his website on the Septuagint for those who want to explore that facet of Old testament study.

Tyler F. Williams (Taylor University College, Canada) maintains a website called which has a lot of interesting materials if you follow the links.

New Testament:

K.C. Hanson, who works for Wipf and Stock Publishers in the US, has a website which is extremely useful for New Testament studies.

Bill Loader (Murdoc University, WA) has some good New Testament material on it as well as other liturgical, lectionary and theological resources.